Soft X-ray / XUV / VUV Spectrograph

Our soft X-ray / XUV / VUV spectrograph EVEREST has a modular design to give maximum flexibility, incorporating three gratings that can be individually selected or combined to cover the spectral ranges 1-17 nm (73 – 1240 eV), 5-80 nm (15 – 248 eV), and 30-200 nm (6 – 41 eV).
Featuring aberration-corrected flat-field imaging and with the possibility to operate it without an entrance slit, the device has been carefully developed to maximize the reflectivity, collection efficiency and detection of the entire spectrum at each laser shot.
The spectrograph includes an integrated slit holder, gate valve, filter insertion unit, and motorized grating positioning along 3 axes, as well as a flexible choice of detectors between an X-ray CCD camera or an MCP camera system.
Key Product Features
- Flat-field grazing-incidence spectrograph
- Wavelength coverage with single gratings:
- Soft X-Ray: 1-17 nm (73 – 1240 eV)
- XUV: 5-80 nm (15 – 248 eV)
- VUV: 30-200 nm (6 – 41 eV)
- Motorized three grating version possible
- Operation with and without entrance slit
- Adapters for different geometry options
- Integrated gate valve and filter insertion unit
- Operating pressure <10-6 mbar Oil-free pump system for stand-alone vacuum operation optionally available
- Flexible choice of detectors: X-ray CCD camera or MCP camera system
- User-friendly alignment, acquisition and viewer software, including postprocessing tools.
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